Journalist covering tech, politics, climate and power.
I'm Luc, a French and British journalist and English teacher based in Paris.
I co-host and edit the podcast Your Planet, Your Health which contextualises the history of discourses and ideas about the environment.
I research structural trends about how today’s world runs in order to surface insights about potential futures – and strive to bring them to light in my writing and podcasts.
This portfolio showcases my reporting across various media.

In English: 🇬🇧
• “Trust in Experts” – Annotated Bibliography on Iraqi WMDs and COVID lab leak:
This literature review of the sociology of science as it relates to the production of expertise focuses on two case studies: the media coverage of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq in 2003, and the timelines of discourses about the COVID lab leak theory in 2022.
• “We are all German Jews” – Remembering May 68:
This text celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Paris May 1968 protests by examining the event through various commemorations, and in particular as embodied in the figure of Daniel Cohn Bendit.
This is the concentration that I wrote while at NYU Gallatin. It traces the history of the internet from its universalist precepts of decentralised horizontalism, up to its communitarian drift organised around monetizing and moulding people's attention, which lays out the infrastructure of authoritarianism.
• Debunking Climate Change Myths:
I wrote this article as part of my work co-creating the website “Planetary Health for Busy People”. In this page, I go over most common excuses that people tend to advance in order to deny anthropogenic climate change. For each fabricated claim, I dive into the science to craft a counter-argument.
In French: 🇫🇷
• L’affaire GameStop en 10 questions
(ou les rapports de force entre Wall Street et une bande de geeks férus de finance)
(in 🇫🇷)
This 10 part saga for the French newsletter Petit Web in early 2021 chronicles the frenzy of meme-driven activist investing on the stock market by taking the story of the subreddit r/WallStreetBets and zooming out to an increasingly structural perspective.
• Travail à la métrique - un succès mesuré
(in 🇫🇷)
This article for the French magasine "We Demain" examines the workplace culture of Amazon. It delves into the various performance indicators that companies deploy on their employees (whether they’re white collar or warehouse workers), from gamified management metrics to KPIs. I also draw broader conclusions about the perverse incentives that stem from using a measurement tool as a target.
(in 🇫🇷)
This article was the cover piece for the French quarterly magasine "We Demain". I outline the ways in which sprawling Big Tech corporations (Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft) threaten the foundations of democracy – from individual liberties to social cohesion. The article draws out 5 scenarios to illustrate the mechanics of these tech empires' corrupting influence, then provides realistic solutions to resist and fight back.
Read my long-form writing:
My work has appeared in:
Petit Web, 2019-2023
LSA, 2019
We Demain, 2018-2019
The Governance Lab, 2013-2014
Marianne, 2011